Products and Brands
Here is a small list of some of our favourite suppliers. If you are looking for a specific product feel free to contact us.
Kosher and Israeli
We are Vancouver Island’s largest supplier of kosher and Israeli goods. We also are its only supplier of Kosher Meats. Come browse our extensive selection. We are well stocked year round with kosher favourites and will have specialty items on the shelves for the Jewish Holidays!
South African
You can find your favourite South African Brands at Fernwood General Store! Rusks, Biscuits, Teas, Treats and much more! We also carry Biltong, Chili Bites, Droëwors, and Boerewors.
Specialty Goods
We supply brands from near and afar. Fernwood General Store boasts Victoria’s best selection of Non-Alcoholic Drinks. There are also new products weekly from local farmers and creators. We have a sizable selection of Spanish, Italian, and Asian items. Lastly, you can find a well curated spread of whole bean coffees from roasters across Canada and the rest of the world!